What is IV Vitamin Therapy? How to Know if it’s Right for You

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What is IV Vitamin Therapy? How to Know if it’s Right for You

When thinking about health and a healthy lifestyle, it is important to look at the nutrients we take in every day. We know that even with the best intentions, we don’t always get all the vitamins and minerals we need for maintaining a healthy lifestyle through food intake alone. We add vitamins, supplements, and multivitamins in pill form but while many companies claim to have certain amounts of nutrients in their product, there is no one regulating what actually goes into the product itself. So the handful of vitamins and supplements you take each day may be all for nothing, with no significant change in your health and costing you an arm and a leg in the process.

Let’s say you get a very reputable product that is trusted and tested with the highest quality ingredients on the market. How do you know what you’re taking is actually getting absorbed by your body? Multivitamins and/or vitamin supplements are intended to be a way to get all your vitamins in your body in a time-saving pill form.

But did you know that less than 10% of vitamins in a traditional capsule are absorbed by your body?  The two vitamins that have the most difficulty getting absorbed by the body are Vitamin D and Vitamin B12. And we all know how important those are especially in our climate.  So, this leaves the most important question then: how can I get my vitamins? The answer: IV Vitamin Therapy.

With IV vitamin therapy, the vitamins get delivered directly to your bloodstream through a drip. You only have to get it once a month. Vitamins delivered directly to the bloodstream have the highest absorption rate, and are fast acting for immediate results.

With many different companies on the market and with some clinics even mixing their own concoctions, it was important to us to find a reputable, controlled company that does all the work for us to ensure the highest quality product. That’s why we have teamed up with FARSK.

FARSK products are developed with the highest medical grade ingredients by pharmacists, chemists, doctors and nurses.

Here are a few reasons why we chose FARSK:

  • Canadian made (Ontario)
  • 100% Vegan
  • Made in a GMP certified facility (Good Certified Facility)
  • 100% Cruelty free
  • Pre compounded by pharmacists, chemists, doctors and nurses for the safest and highest quality ingredients

IV Vitamin Therapy Menu:

1.  BOOST – hydrate/replenish/enhance

Boost is a great choice for when you need a bit of hydration. Did you have a few too many drinks last night?  Are you not getting enough water? Then this is the perfect option for you.

Key ingredients: Vitamins A,B,C,D,E andpotassium.

2. ENERGY – energize/regenerate/strengthen

Do you struggle with anemia, insomnia, electrolyte imbalances, stress or thyroid conditions?  This is a great option for those looking to increase their energy levels.


Key ingredients: Dextrose, vitamin B and Magnesium.


*This IV is NOT suitable for patients with diabetes.

3. RADIANCE – refine/illuminate/refresh

Does your skin look dull? Are you struggling with fine lines and wrinkles?  What about depression? I know many people are struggling right now with winter, darkness and just an overall low mood. If this sounds like you, then Radiance is your best bet.

The combination of amino acids and antioxidants, especially glutamic acid that triggers the body to produce its own glutathione – an antioxidant that prevents cellular damage.

This one is my absolute favourite!

Key ingredients: Vitamins A and E and amino acids.

4. IMMUNE – protect/repair/supercharge

With this cold and flu season, we have seen a lot more people that are struggling to shake their illness.  This IV enhances the body’s ability to protect itself, fight infections, and heal while repairing cells and recovering faster.

Key ingredients: Vitamin A, D and high levels B and C

5. NAD – detox/improve/protect

This is an incredible IV that helps repair and maintain the DNA on a cellular level.  It helps with muscle recovery and development while improving mood and boosting energy.  It improves mental clarity and the ability to focus and is an excellent choice for detox.

Key ingredients: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

6. BUILD – build/improve/protect

This IV is excellent for building bone cells and enhancing the production of collagen. It improves blood flow, liver function and erectile dysfunction.  It also normalizes hormonal stress responses in people with high anxiety.


Key ingredients: Arginine and lysine.

As you can see there is IV vitamin therapy for everyone.  If you are unsure about what your body needs, we do offer a free consultation to help get you on the right path.


We are also offering Vitamin B12 injections for the treatment of anemia, fatigue, muscle weakness and other ailments.  If you are on a plant-based diet, you are likely not getting enough Vitamin B12 through diet alone. This is a great addition for optimal health.


Most of us are on a quest for better health. IV Vitamin Therapy is an excellent place to start to get your body functioning at its highest capability.


Kind Regards,
